My Epic Quest
5 Years ago I stumbled upon Steve Kambs Nerd Fitness website and fell in love with the idea of challenging yourself to level up your life. Since then I have attempted small bucket list challenges but have taken the plunge to make things official with a similar style quest list. Please checkout the inspiration for this at Steve’s site Nerd Fitness.
Current Level: 2
Each quest item gives me 25% towards my level
Personal Level Up Goals
- Get in the Guinness book of world records
Give an Unforgettable Wedding Toast- Get a menu item named after me
- Be an extra in a movie
- Get an invite to the Playboy mansion
Become a better writer- Travel for more than 3 months straight
Business Level Up Goals
Be completely location independent- Create monthly reoccurring revenue
- Become a Digital Marketing Director
America ( The First Dungeon )
- Visit Canada
Go to Disney Land- Watch a game at Wrigley Field
- Drive the Pacific Coast Highway
- Watch a space shuttle launch
- Ride a train for multiple days
Kill it during Burger Week 2018
The Water Level
Learn to surf- Learn Scuba Dive
- Learn to sail
- Swim in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean in the same day
The Jungle Level
- Become friends with a dangerous animal
Eat Vietnams best PhởWalk the Great Wall of China
The Air Temple Level
- Fly First Class
- Skydive
The Sand Level
- Stay at Hotel Sidi Driss ( Luke Skywalker’s Childhood Home )
- Ride a camel