My Inspiration For This Site

Throughout the years there have been a handful of blogs I have followed way before all the click bait and the top 8 articles and before anyone thought they could actually make serious money blogging. Blogs like Fur Face BoyThe hundreds and Ben Baller all tackled business, creativity and what each of these people were doing in their daily lives.  Reading those blogs always made me think if I had the ability and skills to blog like they do it may force me out of my comfort zone into more interesting situations.

Eventually, in 2015 I created a website called “Cool Story Corey” this was supposed to be the start of my blogging and was really a way to force me to improve on my writing and put my self out there. Much like this site, I had a bucket list and a lot of dreams and aspirations but after 3-4 pieces of content, I eventually forgot about the site entirely.  I have a really bad habit of doing stuff like this, with several projects under my belt like Drink HeavyRude MagazineMTB Source and dozens more I end up building a site, working out the branding and losing interest once writing becomes the only thing left.

What I want this site to become

I really want to use this site to push me out of my comfort zone, hopefully, in the process, I can show a different perspective of what is already out there in the 10,000+ travel focused blogs online.  I don’t really have a specific niche, I’m not traveling on $25 a day and I’m also not traveling with a loaded savings account or an inheritance to support me.

What I don’t want this blog to become

Spending the last 3 months reading travel blogs and articles I have noticed a trend of creating content focused around an unrealistic mindset of how easy it is to travel. A lot of this content focuses on affiliate marketing, e-books, and courses which target people like me wanting to become location independent. I absolutely refuse to peddle this kind of garbage on the off chance that this site ever picks up any traction.

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