The best Travel Sub Reddits in 2018

This is a different kind of article than what I wanted to do frequently but it’s an important one that I think will help people out. Reddit is a great resource when planning trips, figuring out what to pack and deciding what country to go to, below is a list of my favorite subreddits that I use frequently.

Instead of just listing out each subreddit with a description I am going to try to throw out an opinion on what each subreddit is good for and also a few drawbacks that each one has.


1. r/digitalnomad

Of course, this travel subreddit would come up, Its a topic that a lot of this site is based around which is being a digital nomad. I think this subreddit has successfully made most people who work remotely cringe when they hear the term “Digital Nomad”, but it is the best word to describe it.  This subreddit is full of all types and does offer a lot of great resources but take some of them with a grain of salt.

Pros: A good travel subreddit with a focus on working while traveling.

Cons: A lot of people in this subreddit are either asking how to be a digital nomad or pushing their own blogs and get rich quick schemes.

Visit /r/digitalnomad 

2. r/onebag

One bag is number two on the list for best subreddits due to the sheer amount of information you get from users. This a community devoted to the idea of traveling with just one bag.  A few common thread types on here are packing list reviews which can be a great resource.

Pros: One of the best travel subreddits to find good luggage, clothing and other essential travel items.

Cons:  A lot of hype around very expensive items like merino wool and other travel specific clothing.

Visit /r/onebag

3. r/Shoestring

The Shoestring subreddit is just what you think it would be, its a resource for planning your trips on a shoestring budget.  This is a great travel subreedit due to the diversity of travel hacks to help you plan a good shoestring trip.

Pros: Lots of good resources for people adhering to a strict budget.
Cons:  A lot of the same spammy blog articles get posted to this subreddit.

Visit /r/Shoestring


4. r/longtermtravel

This subreddit is for people with a nomadic lifestyle very similar to /digitalnomad but with a lot less of the “How do I become a digital nomad” posts.  In general, this subreddit has a lot of good content its just not that active and really has a focus on family travel for some reason or another.

Pros: Lots of good resources for people looking to travel long term.
Cons:  Not really that active compared to others

Visit /r/longtermtravel



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